Multiple data sets with udata.
Banner displays the start up banner at any point.
Captions with up to five lines may be added to graphics.
Complex numbers are now displayed in Variable Monitor.
A global obscuration feature has been added. Uses parameter vertex in the same manner as the global form of the clap command.
Detailed conercube model.
Application of exact pixel matching concept to slanted and unslanted beam combination. This method allows precise, rapid, and non-interpolated combinations of beam to interact at large angles similar to the zigzag model. See Ex121c.inp.
- The command language now accepts complex numbers in calculations. For exampe "1+2i". The square root of minus one is "1i".
- mult/mode/correlation will set the complex correlation to a complex variable.
- point/list/ij/sa and point/list/ij/pa will display the complex amplitude for s- or p-polarization respectively. The system variable point/sa or point/pa will assign the complex amplitude for s- or p-polarization to a complex variable.
- plot/plot_log/top will place the designated plotfile name on the top of the Watch displays.
- plot/liso accepts an array number pattern. For example 1,3,6:8 displays arrays 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8.
- The system variable resonator/status returns values giving the state of resonator processing.
- The command point/record saves system variables silently.
- The command plot/plot_log/load adds file names from an external file to the Watch file list.
- New predefined variables: Ver the GLAD version number as a real number such as 5.8 and Bits the number of bits of the current version of GLAD, either 32 or 64.
- A new, coherent gain model treats short pulse and other effects according to coherent medium theory.

- GLAD 64 now can use up to 16 CPU's for four-level rate equation gain and gain in zigzag amplifiers. All multi-threaded routines up to 16, including diffraction propagation, now allow any number of CPU's--not just powers of 2.
- Full arrays may now be used as optimization variables.
- A model of a saturable absorber that includes both ground state and excited state absorbtion has been added to model Q-switch lasers.
- GLAD 64 bit is now available with Ver. 5.6 and higher versions. It requires 64 bit Windows and can access all the memory available on the syste?no longer limited by 2GB per application. GLAD 64 will also automatically multi-thread the diffraction propogation to use up to 16 processors as available as physical cores or hyperthreading. GLAD 64 also has an upgraded editor.
- The system variable uniformity now has modifier sum, to set a variable to the sum of all irradiance values or the sum of irradiance differences for /two.
- Commands opo and sfg now use a polarization definition pattern based on ?o? and ?e? for ordinary and extraordinary rays. For example: ?oeo?. The old ?x? and ?y? description is still accepted, but ?x? is interpreted as ?o? and ?y? is interpreted as ?e?.
- GLAD now calculates the OPL, PPL, round trip time, and Gouy shift for stable resonators. These are displayed by resonator/eigen/list and available as system variables.
- The resonator/run command now trims additional geometric data at each pass for more stable performance over very long convergence runs. Trimed parameters include units, waist size and location, and the index of refraction. These parameters are maintained at the original valuse when resonator/eigen/test was performed.
- An array may be initialized to the first analytical mode of a cylindrical step index fiber. See fiber.
- With Version 5.5.2, GLAD runs approximately 18 percent faster due to a change to new Intel compilers.
- Notice of expiration of technical support and version upgrade period has been added to the banner displayed at the start of the program for convenient reference.
- The title of the security key may be changed at the time of upgrade following the instructions included with the upgrade password.
- GLAD 5.5 supports running from a non-administrative account. Installation still requires administrative privliges.
- Trigonometric functions that accept degrees as arguments or return values in degree have been added. Each function is identified by a trailing "d" in the name. Functions include: sind, cosd, tand, tan2d, asind, acosd, atand, and atan2d.
- The function time() has been added to give the time in seconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. It can be used to generate a unique random seed in the expression "i = srand(time())".
- The command energy/ginversion will integrate over z for 3D arrays if the section number is set to zero and yield a value with units of [j]. Similarly the variable produced by energy/ginversion will yield the same value for 3D arrays if the section number is set to zero.
- Intensity/zslice now prints field data for a z-slice through a 3D array.
- Infile/real, infile/aimaginary, outfile/real, and outfile/aimaginary have been added.
- Keyread.exe provides a user interface when called by means of the short cut. This the same as executing "keyread.exe menu". The interactive menu may be called from GLAD by privileges/keyread. A log file named keyread55.log is generated and contains information about keyread activity.
- A closed-form solution for steady-state solution for the upper and lower levels based on the pumping rate and the incident irradiance. This is implemented in gain/rate/steady. A numerical check is illustrated in Ex69j.
- Gain/rate/steady and gain/rate/step now have a "list" parameter to provide a list of overall properties and properties of the center step. Ex69f illustrates the use of this feature to gain insight into the numerical calculations of gain.
- Gain/three/step now has a "list" parameter to list overall properties and properties of the center step. Ex69g illustrates the use of this feature to gain insight into the numerical calculations of gain.
- Section 9.6, GLAD Theory Manual provides more detail about the pump rate for three-layer gain with a single upper state.
- The Watch refresh time may now be set under the File, Preferences. The default is 1.5. This may be changed within the range 0.1 to 10 seconds.
- The offset values of graphic files may be specified in pixel coordinates relative to the lower, left corner of Watch.exe. See plot/watch and plot/plot_log.
- The Watch program has a new menu item "Restore to Watch.dat" to restore the position and size of all graphic files to the original condition specified by GLAD through watch.dat. This removes the effect of user resizing or repositioning.
- The Watch program will now correctly set only the size if xsize or ysize is specified without the need to specify xoff or yoff.
- Column labels on the udata listing may be set with udata/clabel.
- Any variable may be locked to prevent inadvertend change. See variables.
- Labels may be added to variables with the command variables/label. The labels will be displayed in the variables listings.
- Variables may be assigned, locked, and labeled to arrays with array/variable. Many commands will display the variable name rather than the array number.
- Variable/value will declare and set a single variable allowing "real" or "integer" specification. Any text after the value will become a variable label.
- The variable for opl and oply may be set to waves or length (in cm).
- Lensgroup can now access the pre-built library names. For example if a lens called "mylens" has previously been defined and built for Beam 1 by lensgroup/build or a previous call to lensgroup/run, the physical optical equillavent system may be accessed by "lensgroup/run _mylens_001".
- Set/prescan turns "on" or "off" prescan--a search for macro definitions so that macros may be defined at any point in the command file. GLAD will look in external files accessed by read/disk only if the file name has no embedded variables or alias names as such names must be computed in real-time during command file execution.
- Mult/mode/reflector enables a simple and efficient calculation of the feedback into a laser of light reflecting from external optics based on the curvature of a surface at that point. See Ex124.
- All main windows for IDE, Watch, GladOut, TraceBack, VariableMonitor, and the first edit window can be restored to the initialization values from the Interactive Input Window, Controls, "Reset Main Window Positions".
- Six functions for calculating complex values have been added: cmul_r, cmul_i, cdiv_r, cdiv_i, cexp_r, and cexp_i for complex multiplication, division and exponenetiation returning either the real or imaginary component. See Sect., GLAD Commands Manual.
- Glass/index has been added to set the index of the parameter "glass" in several commands. It performs the same function as "glass/set 5 a0".
- An example of a movie is included in this PDF file in Sect. 1.3.8, GLAD Commands Manual.
- Read/disk may be included within a macro or another read/disk to one level.
- Mult/mode/correlation/intensity calculates the correlation of the intensity distributions of two beams.
- Resonator/list now displays the round trip time and "variable/set (variable) resonator/roundtriptime" sets a variable to the round trip time. The round trip time may be used for the gain pumping time. The frequency separation of longitudinal modes is the inverse of the round trip time.
- Pause/label allows the user to add an identifying label for the pause. Variables may be included by preceeding them by the "@" symbol.
- The family of plots displayed by Watch may now be moved as a group facilitating desktop management and dual monitor support.
- Macros may now be placed anywhere in the command file including after an "end" statement allowing more freedom to organize the command file for readability.
- Prism ends with variable angles on the input and output faces are now incorporated into the command zigzag to model a zigzag amplifier. See Example 121b.
- plot/zigzag provides a graphical display of the configuration of the zigzag amplifier in gain or beam coordinates. The plot may be displayed in either beam coordinates or global coordinates.
- The position and size of the first editor window is saved and used as the default for the next execution of GLAD, making organization of the desktop more convenient.
- The GladOut display may be cleared from the command line write/screen/clear as well as from the GladOut edit menu.
- The command energy/ginversion displays the integrated population inversion in j/cm.
- The modifier energy/ginversion has been added to most plots to display the population inversion distribution in j/cm^3.
- The line command displays the current source line in the output. The function line() returns the current source code line.
- The pattern "//" may be used as an in-line, non-displayed comment similar to "#".
- plot/udata/set with no column identifiers lists current identifiers.
- The zigzag command has been added to model a zigzag amplifier. A full 3D calculation is performed for any number of zigzag passes through the gain region and detailed calculation of overlap effects.
- The html command has been completely rewritten to provide dynamic generation of HTML output with automatic update by sourceline, tables with tooktip definitions, and scalable vector graphic (SVG) graphics that may be expanded and the range of plot versions viewed.
Typical page of HTML output with dynamic, automatically updated information sorted by source line.
- The resonator command has been enhanced. This command now tests the system macro, issues an internal resonator/set command, and makes a second test to verify stable behavior. The resonator/set command is no longer needed explicitly and the double tests catch many errors causing instability of the round trip ABCD matrix that a single test would not.
- The internal testing by the resonator now, by default, ignores gain, plot, thermal, and udata commands.
- Resonator/reset resets various parameters to initial conditions without changing the complex amplitude distribution. Useful to prevent drift of parameters during very long resonator settling or multi-pulse problems.
- Comment "CC" is the same as the printing comment "C", except that "CC" always prints, even if writing is turned off.
- For HTML output tooktips have been added. Tooltips are a small window that gives the definition of the term in a table when the mouse is placed over the word. Only works when the HTML file is viewed from a regular browser. The old GLAD HTML viewer is no longer used after Ver. 5.2.
- Phase2real and waves2real have been added to transform phase or wavefront into a real distribution.
- Magnification factors are now calculated for lensgroup. Variables xmag, ymag, and oblique give the respective x-, y-, and 45 degree components of magnification due to refraction at tilted surfaces.
- Scalable vector graphics (SVG) plot files can now be output from Watch and may be used in HTML output with the capability to expand or hide the plot.
- Pack/reference specifies which beam being packed is to provide the reference units to which all other beams are interpolated.
- Plot/xslice and plot/yslice now use keyword ibeams instead of kbeam. The command will now accept 0 for all beams and patterns such a 1,2,3:5.
- Abcd/operator can now build up a sysem of lenses and spacings (with no intervening apertures) into a single ABCD operator that may be applied with a single step.
- The user may now cut and copy from the GLAD Output window to the system ClipBoard.
- The GLAD Output window may be cleared from the menu with Edit, Clear.
- Init-Run now writes a better heading with a time and date stamp for easier reading of GLAD Output to distinguish among multiple command file executions.
- Pause now includes the choice of "Cancel" to call up the termination/break option menu and has the source line number in the title of the message box.
- Pause now accepts a decimal value for a timed pause.
- Mult/complex now has four keywords to allow separate multiplication factors for s- and p-polarization states. Keywords have changed.
- Add/coherent/factors and add/incoherent/factors have been revised to peform similarly to the other add commands.
- Error traceback has been improved including better line number identification.
- The data type ginverse has been added to most plots to display the population inversion of a gain sheet. Note that gain/rate/inversion will extract the population inversion into another array.
- Copy/section now copys a single input section to all output sections if the section number is set to zero so that a all sections of a 3D array can be easily set to be identical.
- Clear/complex will now set the 2nd polarization state.
- Time/halt and time/resume have been added to allow the accumulation of time to be halted and then resumed without resetting to zero. Allows the times of several operations to be summed.
YFigure 1.20 shows a beam slanted at 40 degrees. Fig. 1.21 Shows the sum of the slanted beam and an on-axia beam. Ex121c.inp shows how such a strong angle interaction may be treated by exact pixel matching similar to the zigzag model.

- Example 33f revised to allow backward input (parity = -1) to a globally defined resonator.
- Example 92i demonstrates how a thermal window would impact a laser mode from heating due to continual end pumping. Figure 1.20 shows the wavefront distortion of a window after 40 seconds of end-pumping. Figure 1.21 shows the wavefront distortion after 320 seconds.

Figure 1.22 portrays the drop in Strehl Ratio over the 320 seconds and illustrates the temperature distribution is approaching the steady state condition.

- Example 33n illustrates a bowtie resonator using global definition of the mirror positions. Fig. 1.23 illustrates the configuration and the beam path.

Figure 1.24 shows the converged mode and Fig. 1.25 shows the correlation of the converged mode with the ideal mode versus pass number.

- Example 92i demonstrates how a thermal window would impact a laser mode from heating due to continual end pumping. Figure 1.20 shows the wavefront distortion of a window after 40 seconds of end-pumping. Figure 1.21 shows the wavefront distortion after 320 seconds.

- Example 86o illustrates a pencil of light making four bounces in a dielectric waveguide at near-TIR incident angle.
A pencil of light making four wall bounces in a dielectric waveguide.
- Example 86p illustrates a pencil of light making four bounces in a tapered waveguide at near-TIR incident angle.
A pencil of light making four wall bounces in a straight waveguide (left) and a tapered waveguide (right).
- Example 117d shows complex pumping used in a stable resonator. Figure 1.29 shows a complex pumping distribution from Ex117c. Figure 1.30 shows the optical distribution early in the laser startup at pass = 100 with the complex pumping distribution printing into the optical intensity. Figures 1.31 and 1.32 show the staturated population inversion and the corresponding optical mode at pass = 5,000. Details of the pump distribution are not evident near steady state.
Complex pumping from Ex117c (top,left) applied to a stable resonator. At startup, the complex pumping prints through (top,right). Near saturation the center population inversion is depleted (bottom,left) and the cavity mode shows no detailed structure (bottom,right).
- Ex125a illustrates transient, short pulse behavior using the new coherent gain model. Ex125b shows a calculation of the atomic line width for a range of short pulses.
- Ex60b through Ex60e illustrate use of full arrays as optimization variables.
- Examples Ex80g and Ex80h illustrate a Q-switch staturable absorber with both ground and excited state absorber.
- Example Ex32b shows how to implement a conjugate mirror or correction plate in either the near- or far-field.
- Example psd_two.inp (in the examples folder) shows how to set a random distribution to a specified power distribution. Example psd_two_wavefront.inp shows how to set a random wavefront distribution to a specified power distribution. In both examples, the frequency units are controlled by setting the focal length to the wavelength.
- Ex11f.inp illustrates an unstable resonator with gain. In an unstable resonator the beam size in the forward direction is usually different than the backward direction. Of course the size of the gain region is fixed, so an iterpolation step is required to match the units of optical beam and gain region. Ex11f.inp illustrates the best way to do this.
- Ex33m shows an example of finding higher order modes in a stable resonator by successive orthogonalization against the modes already found.
- Ex33m shows an example of finding higher order modes in a stable resonator by successive orthogonalization against the modes already found.
- Ex11e show an example of finding the first six modes of an unstable resonator using successive orthogonalization against the modes already found.
- Ex124 illustrates the use of mult/mode/reflector for evaluating feedback coupling of an external surface into a laser cavity.
- Ex117c illustrates side pumping from three azimuthal angles spaced 120 degrees apart.
Side pumping with slab/pump and three rotations.
- Ex11d illustrates injection of the collapsing mode into an unstable resonator.
- Ex123 illustrates encoding a complex pattern into a hologram using a random noise key. The pattern can be reconstructed with the same random noise key, but not with a different random noise key.
- Ex69k illustrates the numerical procedures for single layer, three level rate equation model with multiple steps.
- Etalon1.inp demonstrates an iterative solution for the transmission through a thin film as an alternative to the closed form solution using /single.
- Ex121b models a zigzag amplifier in a prism. This examples models the 3D gain region with approximately 10,000,000 population inversion points and solves approximately 70,000,000 differential equations in about six seconds on an ordinary PC.
Ten-pass zigzag amplifier. Example 121b.
Ten-pass zigzag amplifier. Example 121b.
- Ex88g.inp illustrates an example of a high Fresnel number diffraction pattern formed with a partially coherent LED having an M2 = 60 illuminating a square aperture and propagating a short distance. This partial coherence removes much of the edge diffraction ringing.
Smoothing of diffraction ringing with partially coherent light from an LED.
- Example Ex120a illustrates efficient gain interactions in a ten-pass, zigzag amplifier; laser diode cross pumping, and associated thermal distortion. Ex121a models a zigzag amplifier in a mirror configuration. This examples models the 3D gain region with approximately 10,000,000 population inversion points and solves approximately 70,000,000 differential equations in about six seconds on an ordinary PC.
Ten-pass zigzag amplifier. Example 121a.
- mult/beam/jones allows implementation of a 2D array where each element of the array is a Jones Matrix. This allows the Jones matrix operations to vary across the aperture. See example jones1.inp.
- gain/three implements general, three level gain where both upper and lower levels may consist of multiple levels forming a manifold.
- Example 119 illustrates how to implement sub-sampling of the round-trip time of a resonator.
- For macros, the Traceback window now gives the absolute line position in the file for easier reference.
- The keyword ibeams now accepts beam number ranges and sequences in addition to "0" for all beams and a single beam number. For example ":2,6:8,11,13,19:" processes beams 2 and below, 6 to 8, 11, 13, and 19 and higher.
- The command line gives the source line position and source file name. The system variable line gives the source line position. The echo command now gives the source line position.
- Example jones1.inp: Jones operators vary across the aperture.
Jones matrices varying across the aperture.
- Example 119: Sampling of the round-trip time of a resonator.
In general three-level gain, Upper and lower levels may consist of manifolds of sub-levels.
- Example ex69g: General three level gain.
Sampling of the round trip time with sixteen arrays. The resonator is assumed to contain sixteen time samples of the cavity mode numbered 2 to 17 and proceeds in a circular fashion. The leading edge of the pulse is at 2 which crosses the gain region first. The opposite side of the pulse is 10 and crosses simultaneously with 2 but is modeled as crossing just after 2.
After 1/16 of the round trip time. Time samples 2 and 10 have advanced across the gain region and the output is from sample 6.
The figure shows the round trip time divided into sixteen samples after the Q of a cavity is switched instantaneously. The optical pulse closest to the gain region at the time of the Q switch is preferentially amplified.
- Memory will now be automatically expanded as required up to the maximum physical memory available.
- The macro library is now held in memory for faster execution. This library may be displayed by the /maclib/show command. Highlighting of lines and commands is now done in the macro library as well as in the source files. The library is rebuilt each time Init-Run is executed.
- A model of semiconductor gain has been added. See gain/semiconductor. Also see Example 69d.
- A model of three-level gain has been added. See gain/three. Also see Example 69e.
- A procedure was developed for doing through-focus diffraction calculations projected onto a tilted surface. See tilt.inp.
- Highlighting now displays lines dynamically in both the source and macro library and identifies command position for multiple commands on one line. Highlighting may be turned on or off from Controls from either the Interactive Input Window or any GladEdit window.
- The GladEdit windows may be controlled from a GLAD command file or the Interactive Input Window by the command edit. Files may be opened. Windows may be hidden or shown.
- Command files may be reformatted automatically with indents for different levels of macros, IF-ELSE-THEN constructs, and pack/in and pack/out blocks. Indenting the source text greatly improves readability. See Controls, Indent on the GladEdit menu.
- The Traceback window now identifies multiple commands on the same line.
- fresnel/refl allows for general complex index of refractions to accommodate reflection from metal surfaces or TIR with absorbing material on the low index side.
- The elements roof and corner now have either \global or \nonglobal forms.
- The maximum number of variables has been increased from 400 to 999, with five predefined constants (and 994 available for use in command files. The predefined constants are p, e, h, c, and the version number Ver.
- A detailed numerical check of the four-level, rate equation gain equations. See Example 69f.
- The keyword ibeams now accepts beam number ranges and sequences in addition to "0" for all beams and a single beam number. For example ":2,6:8,11,13,19:" processes beams 2 and below, 6 to 8, 11, 13, and 19 and higher.
- Definitions of terms used in output tables will be displayed or hidden with the definitions command. For example using set/definitions/on before geodata will cause the definitions to be printed at the end.
- Command time now provides microsecond accuracy and the system variable time gives the value from the most recent call to time/show.
- rms and variance now may now be applied to irradiance as well as wavefront.
- Several accelerator keys have been revised to conform with MS WordpadŽ, MS WordŽ, and many other text editing programs. Ctrl S (hold down Ctrl, then strike S key) "Save" to save the file. Shift Ctrl S invokes "Save As". Ctrl F invokes the search dialog box. F3 does a forward search with the same search string. Shift F3 does a backward search with the same string. Ctrl P invokes the print operation. Shift Ctrl P invokes the print setup dialog box.
- Numbers corresponding to length may have "mm" (millimeters), "in" (inches), "ft" (feet), "mi" (microns), "nm" (nanometers), "km" (kilometers), or "m" (meters) appended to cause appropriate scaling to centimeters. For example 1.3mm will be read as 0.13 cm.
- The command adapt can now either correct directly or create a phase plate.
- Example 69d: Model of semiconductor gain.
- Example 69e: Model of three level gain.
- Example 69f: Detailed numerical check of the four-level, rate equation gain equations.
- Tilt.inp illustrates a procedure to calculate diffraction through focus onto a tilted plane.
Cross section of through-focus diffraction onto a tilted plane showing shifted distribution.
Isometric of through-focus diffraction onto a tilted plane showing shifted distribution.
- A powerful Command Composer has been added. More effective than a spread sheet view: the command composer provides a dialog screen to to parse, modify, or compose a command. Parsing will occur in real time when the cursor is scanned through GladEdit lines. Each command, modifier, parameter, and keyword is equiped with "tool tips" that give a popup definition. The Manual button gives a quick-lookup to the Commands Manual at the specific page for the command.
 Command Composer parses and creates GLAD commands. Right click on any editor line to start the Command Parser. The screen will automatically update as the cursor is moved through the editor lines.
- The Variable Monitor can now add or delete monitored variables during program execution and at the end of calculation.
 Variable monitor allows real-time viewing of selected variables. Selection may be changed during or at the end of the calculation.
- New stable cavity examples: ex33g, example of a wire obscuration to induce TEM10; ex33h, example of half-symmetric resonator with rotating end mirror; ex33i. Two-wavelength flat-flat resonator.
- Example 86n: New fiber optic example illustrating loss for long radius bend of the fiber.
- Example 116: Computer generated hologram (CHG) null lens testing (Burge test).
- Example 117: Laser diode array side-pumping a gain region.
- Example 118: partial coherence with a 3D object and broad band illumination.
- Technical support and warranty now extended to be one year from date-of-invoice or until the next upgrade release, which ever is longer.
- GladEdit, the GLAD editor, has been completely rewritten to allow giant file sizes, rich text format (RTF).
 RTF files allow color coding, inclusion of graphics, and hyperlinks to GLAD commands.
- GladEdit makes back up files of the form *.bak. For example xxx.inp is backed up to xxx.inp.bak.
- Improved automatic unit selection eliminates discontinuities of unit value at near-far field transition boundaries.
- The sampling command can check for aliasing and may be set to automatically stop if aliasing exceeds a specified value.
- Aberration and grating commands have alias detection under the control of set/alias_stop.
- Automatic fit of equivalent gaussian and to real beam and optional reset of geodata values with the jsurf/fitegaus/automatic command.
- fitfocus/convert, removes quadratic phase and corrects geometric convergence accordingly.
- Improvement of mid-field sampling by setting for continuous units using the geodata/set/msquared/continousunits command as illustrated in Ex2b.inp and Ex2c.inp.
- Hyperlinking of all command references and hyperlinking among the Commands, Theory, and Examples Manuals.
- Improved resolution in graphics for both screen and printed versions of the manuals.
- PostScript files may now be created from Watch in addition to CGM, WMF metafiles. See plot.
- A special variable monitor window has been added for real-time display of specified variables and their values, making it easier to see critical information than with the streaming text output displayed in the GLAD Ouptut window.
 Variable monitor displays real time changes.
- The PDF documentation may be opened from GLAD command files to specific headings (named destinations) or page numbers. Manual pages may also be opened from hyperlinks in RTF-formatted command files.
- The PDF version of the GLAD Examples Manual is now highly optimized for screen viewing, yielding much sharper color graphics. The screen-optimized graphics do not print well, but a special paper copy of the GLAD Examples Manual with print-optimized graphics, having strong color images, may be purchased from AOR (Part 48ME).
- The system command has been rewritten to make it compatible with modern operating systems.
- The active command line may be highlighted in the GladEdit window during execution to display activity.
- The command set/strict/on may be used to set GLAD to require that all variables be defined in a statement prior to use. This reduces the chance of miswriting a variable name and is recommended for good programming practice.
- The Watch program now provides "Windows to top" to aid in locating the GLAD graphic windows and "Cascade Windows" organize the collection of graphic windows.
- Example Ex115 illustrates calculation of group velocity dispersion (GVD) for a grating rhomb.
- Example 2b: Calculation of beam and array size through the waist.
- Example 2c: Calculation of beam and array size with grating.
- Example 2d: Calculation of beam and array size with shallow focus.
- Example 37g: Prism with Brewster's Angle windows and multiple side bounces.
- Example 77h: Resonator with waveguide in place.
- Example 77j: Incoherent treatment of reflecting-wall waveguide, converging beam.
- Example 81b: Through-focus image of circular aperture.
- Example 81c: Lensarray used as optical integrator.
- Example 86l: Comparision of BPM mode and gaussian approximation.
- Example 86m: Comparision of BPM and gaussian at critical frequency.
- Example 95i: Resonator with OPA included.
- Example 106n: Example of multi-mode diode laser.
- Example 114: Various plot styles.
- Example 115: Pulse compression with grating rhombs (GVD).
- 20 new waveguide examples in Ex 86 and Ex 87.

Multimode waveguide, showing convergence to three modes. (Expand))
- Rapid calculation of slab waveguides. See revised Ex87.
- Fiber-to-fiber coupling. See Ex106.
- Sum-frequency generation. See Ex107.
- Multimode diode laser. See diode.inp.
- Guide star using sodium layer. See Ex111.
- Interferogram reduction by FFT method. See Ex112.
- Fan-out grating. See Ex108.
- Incoherent reflecting wall waveguide.
- Beam reshaping optics -- gaussian to flat top. See Ex110.
- Optical limiting. See Ex113.
- Polygon bare cavity resonator. See Ex109.
Several major advances were made in the structure of GLAD.
- GLAD is now completely converted to a native MS windows program (WIN32).
- GladEdit now incorporates editing, and save/run, and single step features.
- Traceback window displays program progress in real- time during execution, macro levels and iteration count, and line numbers.
- HTML output: tables, glossary of output variables, built-in HTML viewer.
- Separate output controls for writing to screen, text disk file, and HTML.
- Watch now supports 20 windows.
- Faster generation of plot files: between 4 to 10 times faster.
- IDE input window has enhanced text character controls: up-arrow to access old lines, overwrite and insert modes.
- Install GLAD now to any folder.
- Run GLAD now from any folder.
- Input files (*. inp) and plot files extensions are now registered. Click on *. inp files to activate GLAD or *. plt files to start Watch.
- GLAD remembers desktop configuration and other user preferences.
- Enhanced resolution for bitmap-style graphics -- 128 x 128, 256 x 256, and higher.
- GLAD now allows 128 beam arrays.
Several major advances were made in physical modules.
- Thermally-induced stress birefringence.
- gradient index lens.
- grating model for single order, non-resolved case.