Example 17: Raman amplifier |
This is an example of a Raman amplifier. It is not a
"real" problem but instead is highly stylized
to illustrate some effects more simply. This example illustrates Raman amplification of a seed beam by a shorter wavelength pump beam. The pump beam is at 1.06 microns and the seed beam is at 1.54 microns. Both the seed and pump beam are aberrated. The seed beam goes through a spatial filter which cleans up the beam somewhat. The seed and pump beams are combined and passed through a Raman amplifier. The amplifier depletes the pump beam and amplifies the seed beam. In this model none of the phase of the pump beam is imposed on the seed beam. The irradiance distribution of both the pump and seed beams show effects due to diffraction from the aperture edges and due to the aberration in the beams. The output of the seed beam is brought to a line focus by a cylindrical lens to illustrate the use of nonrotationally symmetrical optical elements and the use of rectangular arrays. Note that the code automatically determines the matrix units to achieve good resolution in both directions. You may "expand" or click on the image to see a high resolution Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) image. You will need to have the free SVG plug-in installed in your browser. www.adobe.com/svg/